2015 Lecture
First Annual Worldviews Lecture on Media and Higher Education
On April 21, 2015 the the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education hosted the first annual lecture.
“Universities, the plutocracy and the 99%: Is high participation in higher education the problem or the solution, in societies that are becoming more unequal?”
Lecture was webcast, visit OISE for more info
Dr. Simon Marginson
Simon worked as a Professor of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne in Australia prior to starting at IOE in October 2013. His research and scholarship draw broadly on the social sciences and political philosophy, and are focused primarily on higher education policy, systems and institutions. Most of his projects are in comparative and international higher education. In the last decade he has conducted extended inquiries into higher education and globalization, and higher education and research in East Asia. His current research includes a comparative project on the role of higher education in constructing public good, which examines the intersection between on one hand state traditions and political cultures, on the other hand educational practices. In 2014 Simon delivered the biannual Clark Kerr lectures on higher education in the University of California system. He is Joint Editor-in-Chief of the journal Higher Education (with Finland’s Jussi Valimaa).